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YOU ARE:  Home > News > A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SURVEYOR – Khushal Hirani


Khushal Hirani

Meet surveyor – Khushal Hirani, a valued member of our Surveying team who has kindly provided this fascinating insight into his work, his career hopes and what lies in store for his industry.


As a surveyor, is there such a thing as a ‘typical day’? If so, what does it consist of?

There isn’t a typical day as a surveyor. It’s always varied. One day I’ll be measuring a small rectangular balcony in the sun, and the next day I’ll be in the other side of the country surveying 10 large tricky shape roofs at a school in the rain.


Tell us about some of the challenges you encounter on a daily basis.

Surveying in extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain, strong winds, snow, ice and excessive heat can be very challenging, as we work on roofs which are exposed to severe weather conditions.


Do surveyors have a favourite day of the week (other than Friday)?

There are no favourite days. Every day is a good day.


What excites you about your job?

Every day is different. I get to travel to different places and meet various professionals on site, give guidance and advice to help meet the client’s requirements. It gives me great satisfaction knowing a project I surveyed has been ordered, installed and completed.


What made you want to become a surveyor?

I was a designer at Gradient for a few years prior to becoming a surveyor. I enjoyed designing but also seeking a different challenge, as well as a change rather than being in front of a desk five days a week. Surveying offers a good balance between office and on-site work, so it was a perfect role for me.


What skills and experience do you bring to the role?

Communication, problem solving, time management, technical and visualisation skills from my previous role as a designer. Experience in installing domestic flat and pitched roofs from a previous role as a general builder.


Are you able to divulge any surveyor tricks of the trade?

Take a look at the roof areas which require a survey on Google Maps prior to attending to get familiar with it. If it’s a complex roof shape, draw the outline at a desk prior to the survey.


What makes a good surveyor?

A person who has excellent attention to detail, a problem solver, good communication skills, and spatial awareness.


Where is your work generally based? Have you worked in any strange/unusual places?

I cover the south west of the country so my work could be five miles down the road or 250 miles away in Cornwall. I’ve had the opportunity to work at places such as TATA Steel, Science and Innovation Centre; Didcot and Heysham Power Station. These sites were extraordinarily large and fascinating places to visit.


What qualifications do you need to hold to become a surveyor?

Experience in roofing is a must-have as clients rely on us for our roofing expertise.  A construction-related qualification is also beneficial.


What would you say to someone contemplating a career in surveying?

If you like travelling and being outdoors then this is a great career to go into. It’s a very rewarding career path with lots to learn.


How do you visualise the future of surveying?

There will always be a need for a surveyor to physically attend site to carry out surveys even though technology keeps evolving. A drone, however, would be a useful tool on complex projects or where there is limited access onto a roof.


How do you think other sectors of the industry perceive surveyors and the work they do?

I think other sectors of the industry value surveyors and are aware of the importance of our work and what we bring to a project.


What ambitions do you have for your career and the future of construction? 

Continue developing my skills and knowledge in roofing, as there’s so much more to learn. With the training and guidance Gradient offers I believe I can become an expert in this field.


Could you tell us about Gradient’s customer service provision and the part surveying plays in it?

The Surveying team at Gradient are called upon when a roof survey is required to investigate complaints and answer customers queries and give advice from the very start to completion of roofing projects.